Is Miley Cyrus having tattoos removed because Liam Hemsworth hates them?

Last September, a story in Us Weekly seemed to hint that Miley Cyrus was being controlled and isolated by Liam Hemsworth merely because the pair had taken to spending quiet nights at home instead of merely living for the party lifestyle. If anything, this phenomenon pointed towards Miley maturing a bit although she still enjoys surprising Liam with bizarre p3nis cakes in public. Now there’s a new story in this week’s Enquirer that suggests Liam is indeed still aiming to control Miley, and now he’s taking aim at her tattoos. You’ve probably heard that Miley is quite fond of little bitty tattoos; in fact, she has nine of them scattered all over her bod:

Liam reportedly finds tattoos to be trashy and is concerned that the tattoos will ruin Miley’s Hollywood prospects in the long run (even though they’re easily covered up by makeup). It sounds strange that Liam would take issue with Miley’s body art after three years together, but if this story is to be believed, Liam has basically said, “It’s either me or the tattoos, babe,” and Miley’s taking steps to get them removed:

Miley Cyrus’ boyfriend wants to erase all evidence of the former Disney star’s wild antics — beginning with her nine tattoos.

The pop star’s beau, 22-year-old Australian actor Liam Hemsworth, is so determined to get Miley to changer her ever-growing raunchy image, he laid down the law, telling her to lose the tattoos or she loses him.

“Liam is much more straitlaced than Miley, and he hates the trashy look she sometimes favors,” said the close source. “They’ve had some heated fights over her body ink. He says it will permanently typecast her as a bad girl.”

The down under hunk, star of the upcoming movie thriller The Hunger Games,” is thinking of the future, according ot the source. “If they start a family together, he doesn’t want the mother of his children sending the message that it’s OK to desecrate your body.”

When Miley showed off her latest skin art — and equal sign etched on ehr finger — the source says Liam blew up, telling her: “I hate it. Get rid of them all!”

The former “Hannah Montana” star has nine tattoos — including a large image of a dream catcher on her right side, the words “Just breathe” under her breast, and the word “love” inscribed on the inside of her ear.

Miley’s also getting a reputation for wild antics, which include wearing a breast-revealing top while shopping in Chile, simulating sex with a phallic-shaped cake, and calling herself a “stoner” in a party videotape.

But on Nov. 22, the day before her 19th birthday, Miley was spotted visiting an office that specializes in laser tattoo removal and has begun the process of having the ink removed, said the source.

“It’s very painful to remove the tattoos, but Miley says it’s worth it if it means keeping Liam happy.”

[From Enquirer, print edition, February 27, 2012]

I’m not entirely sure what to think of this story. In Liam’s recent Details interview, he does express concern about Miley’s reputation but it truly seemed like a protective stance and as if he just didn’t want people saying things about Miley that weren’t true. Yet if this story is real, Miley should think long and hard before going through tattoo removal procedures because a boyfriend wants to change her. Besides, who really knows how long Liam will be sticking around after The Hunger Games volleys his career into the stratosphere?

There’s also a story in this week’s Star that claims Miley is “partying, boozing, and using drugs around the clock,” which sounds merely like more of the same that we’ve heard before from the tabloids:

Miley Cyrus truly can’t be tamed! The former Disney darling continues to spiral out of control — partying, drinking, and using drugs, according to multiple sources. “Miley is a complete party animal,” a source reveals to Star. “She pretends like she is this perfect little girl to the public, but behind closed doors, she is really missed up.”

Relegating her career to the back burner, the teen queen has been hitting the party circut — and hard. “Miley has been partying and boozing a lot,” another source adds. And the 19-year-old is plagued by more than just the bottle. “Miley is a complete stoner! She’s very open about how much weed she smokes within her Hollywood crowd. Many of them are enablers. One of her her guy friends is known as a drug dealer to the stars!”

Those close to miley fear the pop star is on the road to disaster. “We are afraid Miley will overdose,” says the source. “She does not know when to stop.”

As she lets loose all over town, Miley is crippling her once-booming career. “She’s been missing business meetings and hasn’t been writing any new music,” explains the source. The former Hannah Montana star even dropped out of her voice role in Adam Sandler’s upcoming animated flick, Hotel Transylvania.

[From Star, print edition, February 27, 2012]

Most of this latter story seems based upon a rehashing of prior accounts of Miley’s love for weed and supposed weakness for alcohol, but I think she truly deserves a break in this department. It’s not as if she’s acquired any DUIs, and it’s not as if her acting or singing is truly in demand regardless of her desire to work. She’s a young adult and former child star. Give her a break already.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet
