Globes trend: Sandra Bullock & the bangs trauma nightmare


How horrible did Sandra Bullock look last night? I mean… the dress was not good, but it could have been saved if Sandra had been styled well. Sandy is almost 50 years old – it’s time to stop with the little-girl bangs trauma and the rocker-chick “I don’t give a frig” styling. Be a professional. Be classy. Unfortunately, Sandra decided to go for some radical bangs trauma… because that’s what boning Ryan Reynolds will get you.


Bad choices, bad hair, bad bangs. Speaking of boning Ryan Reynolds and having the horrible hair to show for it, Scarlett Johansson….



Totally Bride of Frankenstein. What’s worse is that ScarJo thinks this is a “high fashion” and “editorial” look. Yes, there are models in fashion magazines who will have this hair. That doesn’t mean it should be worn on a red carpet.

I hestitate to call out Helena Bonham Carter, especially over her hair, which was only one small part of HBC’s crazy-bitch styling (also included: two different colored shoes). But the hair was a spectacular mess. Just the icing on the crazy cake, really.


Michelle Williams: “Hi, I’m the second coming of Mia Farrow, aren’t I precious?” Me: “No, your 30 years old, it’s time to grow up and stop with the 10-year-old-boy haircut and the 10-year-old-girl daisy dresses.” What’s even worse? The fugly daisy dress is Valentino. WTH?


I actually like Olivia Wilde’s Marchesa dress (shock), but I thought she ruined the look with her dumb bangs trauma. Her hair wasn’t red-carpet. It wasn’t Golden Globes. It was much too informal for this event. And you know she was aiming for “I’m such a hippie, I can wear this fancy gown with simple beach hair.” And she can’t.


Did you see the back of Helen Mirren’s head? Her new haircut is HIDEOUS. It looks like she cut it herself. With a weed-wacker. It’s all choppy and cheap-looking. As for Tilda Swinton… well, she’s an alien. I mean, am I supposed to critique the hairstyles of aliens?


Photos courtesy of Fame and WENN.
