Tom Hardy shuts down sexist Mad Max questions, says Furiosa is the lead


If you have a Tom Hardy problem, this isn’t going to help. I have a Tom Hardy problem, and just listening to him shut down a stupid, vaguely sexist question in his natural speaking voice was enough to give me a hot flash. This man… he’s so sexy, they need to invent a new word for “sexy.” Apparently, when Tom was in Cannes to promote Mad Max: Fury Road, he was asked a douchey question by a Canadian journalist named Peter Howell. Howell’s question: “As you were reading the script, did you ever think ‘Why are all these women in here? I thought this was supposed to be a man’s movie?’” That happens around the 9:50 mark on this video:

So what was Tom’s reply? “No. Not for one minute…That’s kind of obvious. But like, but also in reference to the concept of having a script, that would have been nice. That was more of a concern.” It really bothered him that they didn’t really have a script, but no, he wasn’t bothered by the fact that Fury Road ended up being a feminist masterpiece.

While in Cannes, Tom also praised the film for being about the empowerment of women, saying that people come into the film expecting him to play a version of Mel Gibson: “What you don’t get, here, is what you expect. And that’s what’s wonderful. The lead of this movie is a female amputee. It’s a total empowerment of women. It’s actually about f–king time.”

And here’s just another random quote that I found from Tom which isn’t about feminism, but is about how actors need to stop labeling themselves “theater actors” or “action-movie actors” or whatever:

“Something that really f–king dicks me off is this stigma between acting ‘classes’: you know, like movie actors, or film actors, TV, independent films, stage, theatre, you know. Apart from musicals, well you know, musicals — I just can’t sing. There’s no difference between a zero-dollar performance and a $20-million performance. It doesn’t matter. What matters is the story and the team and the work. In film you have to crash everything into two hours, it’s very disappointing sometimes: you work your arse off and you see the edit and it’s like, ‘But we shot so much more’ and it’s just being tanked into this box. A goldfish grows to the size of its bowl. So if you’re in a big movie, you have to grow it to that size and work in that machine. If you’re on the stage, the same. Different disciplines, same heart.”

[From Yahoo]

Wait, a goldfish grows to the size of its bowl? That’s not true, right?! No. That’s not correct. But it was a great image. God, I love him. My lust for Tom Hardy is visceral.


Photos courtesy of WENN.
